strung - определение. Что такое strung
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Что (кто) такое strung - определение

Strung Out (song)

Strung is the past tense and past participle of string
·- imp. & ·p.p. of String.
II. Strung ·Impf of String.
III. Strung ·p.p. of String.
past and past participle of string.


Strung Out (disambiguation)

Strung Out is a band.

Strung Out may also refer to:

  • "Strung Out", a song by Betty Blowtorch from Are You Man Enough?
  • "Strung Out", a song by Mutya Buena from Real Girl
  • "Strung Out", a song by Steve Perry, from Street Talk
  • "Strung Out", a song by Van Halen, from Balance
  • "Strung Out", a song by Andy McCoy
Примеры произношения для strung
1. high strung.
Roberts _ Talks at Google
2. be as high strung.
Mental Health in The NBA _ Antonio Davis & Dahntay Jones _ Talks at Google
3. in a high-strung Sheltie
4. ♫ Strung in the wind I called you ♫
5. one wonderful cliche strung along after another.
Max _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для strung
1. Other barracks had laundry strung from bare beams.
2. US forces have strung together victory after victory.
3. The "Building for Lease" banner is strung to the roof.
4. The case was strung together with macaroni noodles.
5. By the end, he‘s strung out and droning in monotone.